At long last, here's my Flash animated competition entry for Animate Chapman which was unfortunately never submitted due to exporting issues at the time. Now, thanks to a full day of troubleshooting and Newgrounds' recent SWF to video converter Swivel, it's finally online!
Plus, you can watch it on YouTube and Vimeo and of course right here on Newgrounds, so y'know, there's no excuse.
Congratulations on getting Daily Fifth with this. I really enjoyed it. Gutted you weren't able to enter it into that Animate Chapman competition. I'm sure it would have done very well.
Thanks very much - glad you like it! It's a simple little thing, but I sure have been blown away by the reaction. I'll hopefully be producing another animation or two as soon as I can, so do subscribe to my YouTube channel and become a fan here to keep up to date with any further nonsense I release. Alternatively, everything also gets chucked on my website over at